Newport News Behavioral Health Docket continues to succeed

The Newport News Behavioral Health Docket graduated 11 participants in 2024, diverting them from criminal jail sentences caused by untreated mental health conditions.

The Behavioral Health Docket, in the Newport News General District Court, works with people facing criminal charges that are connected to their untreated mental health conditions. Newport News has one of the oldest ‘pre-adjudication’ dockets, operating since 2018 and graduating 64 participants in that time. Defendants agree to participate in this program before holding a preliminary hearing and thus are have not had a hearing finding the case should proceed to trial or a finding of guilt.

Participants with a significant mental health diagnosis attend court regularly for check-ins with a Judge as well as meeting with mental health providers to ensure they take any prescribed medications, attend therapy when recommended, and other skill building programs such as anger management and substance abuse treatment. Participants may also pay restitution to victims who suffer property damages.

The goal of the docket is to assist participants to become medically stable, which can lead to opportunities for housing, work, and family reunification and reduce criminal activity. Victims are consulted when the cases are assessed by the Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office and the Community Services Board.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration it is estimated that 18% of the general population has a mental illness. However, an estimated 44% of those in jail and 37% of those in prison have a mental illness.

When participants are successful charges may be completely dismissed or reduced for further supervision of the participant’s mental health treatment. Unsuccessful participant’s cases are returned to a trial docket for resolution.

The docket was started in 2018, by Judge Matthew Hoffman, the Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney Howard Gwynn’s office, and the Public Defender’s Office.

Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney
Phone: 757-926-7443
2501 Washington Avenue, 6th Floor
Newport News, VA 23607

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The Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes criminal cases that occur within the City of Newport News, on behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth. The elected Commonwealth’s Attorney is Mr. Howard E. Gwynn.