Man convicted of obstruction for outing witness; witness later murdered

Newport News Judge Gary Mills convicted a 21-year-old man on Oct. 9, 2024, for obstruction of justice after he posted a witnesses’ name on social media, labelling the witness a snitch and implying snitches should be killed. Elijah Newell was convicted of obstruction of justice for intimidating a witness.

Newell had been convicted of malicious wounding and attempted robbery, after Savion Williams provided information to investigators. Newell was awaiting sentencing on those charges when he posted a series of Instagram stories. The stories included screen shots of his police report with Williams’ statements to police in the screen shots. Williams was also charged with attempted robbery and unlawful wounding from the same altercation.

Newell tagged Williams’ account in his story posts showing a photo of Newell standing in a shooting stance pointing his hand at the camera as if holding a gun, a countdown clock to the date of the initial sentencing hearing, an emoji of a rat, and the word “snitch” and “K”. A gang detective testified “snitch” and “K” is slang for snitch killer. There were other posts showing Newell flanked by several others holding firearms. Again Williams’ account was tagged, the word “SNITCHK” was included, and rat emojis. At least one other account reposted one of Newell’s threatening posts.

Savion Williams’ mother testified he showed her Newell’s posts and he appeared nervous. No one has been charged in Savion Williams’ death, committed on Sept. 10, 2023. Anyone with information should contact 1-888-562-5887 or submit a tip at

Newell was on home electronic monitoring before the sentencing, had cut his electronic ankle monitor, and did not appear for his initial sentencing hearing. He was also convicted on Oct. 9, 2024, of failing to appear in court on a felony charge. Judge Mills will sentence him at a later date once several related pending misdemeanor firearms charges are resolved.

Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney
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The Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes criminal cases that occur within the City of Newport News, on behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth. The elected Commonwealth’s Attorney is Mr. Howard E. Gwynn.