Operation Ceasefire: How the Commonwealth’s Attorney is Addressing Gun Violence in Newport News
One of the largest concerns arising nationwide, and in our own community in Newport News, is addressing gun violence and the rise of violent crime. With the grant-writing assistance from the Newport News Police Department, the Newport News Commonwealth Attorney’s Office was awarded $429,999 through the 2024 Operation Ceasefire Grant to fund an additional senior trial attorney and a victim services advocate to aid with the prosecution of violent crime cases involving the use of guns and other weapons in the City of Newport News.
The grant is used to implement violent crime reduction strategies, and our office’s Ceasefire Attorney and Advocate can take a serious look at offenders with violent criminal history, involvement with gangs, and the nature of the current violent charges they are charged with or being investigated for. Research demonstrates that a relatively small number of individuals cause a disproportionately high percentage of violent crime in any community. Having an attorney and advocate dedicated to tracking these cases allows those offenders to be identified and prosecuted swiftly when supported by the evidence.
One way we address gun violence through the Ceasefire Grant is utilizing our connection to the Newport News Police Department. The Ceasefire attorney works closely with the Aggravated Assault Unit, Special Investigations Department, Detectives, and officers to review charges, review cases under investigation, consult about what charges can be potentially taken out, review potential Grand Jury cases, and help with search warrants. The Ceasefire attorney has a work group of detectives and officers that he will meet with once a month to help with individuals under investigation and how to better develop investigations. By keeping a close working relationship with the Newport News Police Department, we better identify warning signs and stay informed regarding certain offenders causing repeated violence in the city.
We also engage in community outreach. One way we accomplish this is by having the Ceasefire attorney, Ceasefire advocate, and detectives go to schools and address this issue with the school age community. We want to teach the community how to identify warning signs of violent behavior, what type of individuals you should try to stay away from, what to expect if you become involved with an individual or situation that involves violent crime, and who to go to for help when you need it. By teaching young individuals the warning signs and resources that they have available to them, we hope to bridge the gap and build trust in trusted adults to help them during difficult times.
We also advise our victims and others in the community about resources that we have available for them. With violent crime cases we have a lot of victims and witnesses that do not come to court. Most of the time that is because they are scared to come to Court out of fear of retribution. However, there are many resources that the Ceasefire advocate can offer to assist with these fears. Some of the resources that victims may be able to qualify for are working with law enforcement officers for extra patrol presence near your location, housing relocation, and funding for installation of Ring cameras for added security. The Ceasefire attorney and advocate will also engage in events like the Gun Violence Walks with the Community as well.
The last key method is working closely with other local Commonwealth’s Attorney’s offices and the Attorney General’s Office to learn about strategies that they use with their Ceasefire Grants. The attorney reviews different cases we’ve had, and how they have handled the prosecution of similar cases. The attorney has also discussed the different positions involved in the Grant, and how to best assign job responsibilities. He has also discussed offenders that may have had an investigation or charges that extend across jurisdictions. The connections built with these offices also helps with literature and education material that we can use with community outreach and going to visit the schools.
Using this grant, the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office continues to make a meaningful impact on our community by getting ahead of the violence, identifying and monitoring potential individuals with violent history, effectively prosecuting cases and fighting for justice for the victims and survivors, and providing resources to victims and their families.
For more on this grant program:
Operation Ceasefire Grant Program (OCGP)”, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services