Man who sexually abused daughter sentenced to six life sentences

NEWPORT NEWS — Tairo Hicks was sentenced by the Honorable Christopher Papile in Newport News Circuit Court on January 31, 2025, for the sexual abuse of his daughter who was approximately aged seven through nine over the course of the abuse.

               On or about October 1, 2019 through July 1, 2023, and beginning when the victim was approximately seven (7) years old, the defendant, Tairo Lerrell Hicks, did repeatedly sexually molest his daughter, after providing her with cocaine and marijuana. His charges included Aggravated Sexual Battery of a Victim less than 13, Object Sexual Penetration of a Victim less than 13, Indecent Liberties with a Child by a Parent, Forcible Sodomy of a Victim less than 13, and Rape of a Victim less than 13.  The defendant also had two additional felony charges of Distribution of Narcotics to a Minor. 

               At the sentencing, the Court heard from the victim’s aunt who testified that her niece was exposed to and forced to participate in sexual acts with “the man who was supposed to be her biggest protector” while she “still has her baby teeth.” The victim, now twelve, also testified to the pain her father’s actions have caused her, both physically and mentally. 

               The Commonwealth argued for the defendant to be sentenced to life in prison. The Commonwealth noted that the loss of the victim’s innocence is not something that can be undone, and that the defendant’s anti-social traits and pedophilic disorder make him a danger if he were to remain in the community. Doctor Ilona Gravers, Psy.D., who evaluated the defendant, noted that individuals with characteristics like the defendant often feel “consistent feelings of entitlement and disregard for the rights and feelings of others…. Generally resents authority, sees others as objects for his manipulation…is deceptive, reckless, impulsive… [and] violent behavior may occur.”  The Commonwealth argued that each of these traits make the defendant a danger to society, and justify a life sentence. 

               The defense argued that the defendant had taken accountability for his actions by pleading guilty. He also cited the defendant’s difficult childhood and lack of opportunities to succeed in asking for a sentence that would allow for the defendant to be rehabilitated through treatment. 

               The Court, in pronouncing its sentence, noted that child sexual crimes are often traumatic not only to the victim but are also “multi-generational.” The Court noted its experience with sentencing for crimes of this nature and noted how extraordinarily horrible the facts of this case were, describing the defendant’s acts as “evil.” Ultimately, the Court sentenced the defendant to six life sentences. The defense’s request for such sentences to run concurrently were denied.

Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney
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The Newport News Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes criminal cases that occur within the City of Newport News, on behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth. The elected Commonwealth’s Attorney is Mr. Howard E. Gwynn.